Select users may experience issues with the their network's firewall and security settings. However, a simple 2.4 GHz network with default settings should work in most cases. New features are rolled out by modem and router manufacturers and some settings can be defaulted.
Before proceeding, please ensure that you read & understand all steps in article:
If you are familiar with your network / router settings, please continue.
The following tips are for ADVANCED USERS
- Make sure that MAC address filtering on your router is disabled. The mac address can be found on the product label.
- You may need to reserve an IP address for the controller and/or increase the lease time on your DHCP. If you are adding a Mini product (Rebooter or EZ Lamp Controller), reach out to support to get your Mac addess
Reserving an IP address for your controller will ensure that every time the controller requests an IP address from your router, it will receive the same address. Increasing the lease time will enable your controller to have an IP address for a longer period of time without having to request a new one.
Search for your specific route to find detailed instructions on how to accomplish the steps above. Visit the manufacturers website for more information.
Another great reference for troubleshooting network and router issues is
Known Router Settings that Cause Issues:
- Band Steering
- Ad Blocking
- MAC address filtering
- Local DNS Caching
- Airtime Fairness
Apple Recommended Wi-Fi settings: