Help Center
Discover solutions to problems you may encounter while configuring or using your ConnectSense devices.
Troubleshooting Internet Rebooter connection issues
If your Internet Rebooter was working OK, but now the app shows it as offline... If the Rebooter never came back to an online state after a reboot event, or the Rebooter keeps rebooting your modem/router before it has a chance to re-esta...

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Syncing with iCloud (iCloud Sync is in Progress)
When an error occurs that involves iCloud, is usually either an internet connection problem or iCloud not being set up properly on the device, causing the device to not be able to get the home information synced from the iCloud account. ...

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Where can I find the In-Wall Outlet's Serial Number?
This article helps you locate the serial number for your ConnectSense In-Wall Outlet. You may be asked to provide this number to our tech support team to assist with troubleshooting. First, the serial number is printed on the back of eac...

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Advanced Networking - Tips and Tricks
Select users may experience issues with the their network's firewall and security settings. However, a simple 2.4 GHz network with default settings should work in most cases. New features are rolled out by modem and router manufacturer...

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HomeKit setup error: Insufficient privileges
When setting up ConnectSense HomeKit capable devices, HomeKit requires certain permission to allow a user to add a device to their home. The error will look like this in the ConnectSense App: Note: Screenshots are from iOS 14, this co...

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Why is my ConnectSense Device Not Connecting?
Things to know... All ConnectSense products connect to 2.4GHz networks. Networks that are 2.4GHz or dual band are compatible A network name is called an SSID and should require a password. ConnectSense devices do not connect to open net...

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I'm having problems syncing with iCloud
This error occurs when HomeKit is syncing things up with iCloud. The iOS device isn't able to get the home information synced from the iCloud account. Typically the issue resolves itself after several hours. Please wait a few hours and...

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